Министерство культуры Российской Федерации
Российская библиотечная ассоциация

(российская версия UNIMARC)

Приложение D: Коды наименований географических регионов

Список по кодам


USE    Benin

Danube River    [eo]

Deep Space    [zd]

Delaware    [n-us-de]

Democratic German Republic
USE    Germany (East)

Denmark    [e-dk]

D’Entrecasteaux Islands (Papua New Guinea)
Присвоен код:
     [a-pp]    Papua New Guinea

Desolation Islands
USE    Kerguelen Islands

Developed countries    [dd]
UF      Advanced countries
           Economically advanced countries
           First World
           Industrialized countries

Developing countries    [d]
UF      Emerging nations
           Third World
           Underdeveloped areas

Diego Garcia (British Indian Ocean Territory)
Присвоен код:
     [i-bi]    British Indian Ocean Territory

District of Columbia
USE    Washington (D.C.)

Djibouti    [f-ft]
UF      Afars and Issas, French Territory of the
           French Somaliland
           French Territory of the Afars and Issas
           Somaliland, French

Dodecanese (Greece)
USE    Dodekanesos (Greece)

Dodekcanesos (Greece)
Присвоен код:
     [e-gr]    Greece
UF      Dodecanese (Greece)

Dominica    [nwdq]

Dominican Republic    [nwdr]

USE    Dubayy (United Arab Emirates : Emirate)

Dubayy (United Arab Emirates : Emirate)
Присвоен код:
     [a-ts]    United Arab Emirates
UF      Dubai

Dutch East Indies
USE    Indonesia

Dutch Guiana
USE    Surinam

Dutch West Indies
USE    Netherlands Antilles

USE    Mekong River


Earth    [x]

USE    Orient

East (Far East)
USE    East Asia

East (Near East)
USE    Middle East

East (U.S.)    [n-usr]

East Africa
USE    Africa, East

East Africa, Portuguese
USE    Mozambique

East Africa Protectorate
USE    Kenya

East African Horn
USE    Africa, Northeast

East Asia    [ae]
UF      Asia, East
           East (Far East)
           Far East

East Berlin
USE    Berlin (Germany)

East China Sea    [an]

East Germany
USE    Germany (East)

East Indies
Присвоены коды:
     [az]    South Asia, South
     [as]    Southeast Asia
UF      Indies, East

East Pakistan (Pakistan)
USE    Bangladesh

East Siberian Region (Russia)
USE    Siberia, Eastern (Russia)

East Timor (Indonesia)    [a-em]
[Кодировалось [a-pt] (Portuguese Timor) до 21 апр. 1980; кодировалось [a-io] (Indonesia) с 1980 до сент. 2002]
UF      Portuguese Timor
           Timor, East
           Timor, Portuguese
           Timor Timur

Easter Island    [poea]
UF      Isla de Pascua
           Pascua Island

Eastern Africa
USE    Africa, Eastern

Eastern Australia    [u-ate]
[Кодировалось [u-at] (Australia) до сент. 2005]
UF      Australia, Eastern

Eastern Canada
USE    Canada, Eastern

Eastern Europe
USE    Europe, Eastern

Eastern Hemisphere    [xa]

Eastern Mediterranean
USE    Middle East

Eastern Samar (Philippines)
Присвоен код:
     [a-ph]    Philippines

Eastern Siberia (Russia)
USE    Siberia, Eastern (Russia)

Economically advanced countries
USE    Developed countries

Ecuador    [s-ec]

Egypt    [f-ua]

USE    Ireland

El Salvador    [nces]
UF      Salvador

Ellice Islands
USE    Tuvalu

Emerging nations
USE    Developing countries

Enderbury and Canton Islands
USE    Canton and Enderbury Islands

England    [e-uk-en]

English Channel
Присвоен код:
     [ln]    North Atlantic Ocean

Присвоен код:
     [w]    Tropics

Equatorial Guinea    [f-eg]
UF      Guinea, Equatorial
           Guinea, Spanish
           Rio Muni
           Spanish Guinea

Eritrea    [f-ea]
[Кодировалось [f-et] Ethiopia до нояб. 1993]

Estonia    [e-ur-er]

Ethiopia    [f-et]
UF      Abyssinia

Eurasia    [me]
UF      Asia and Europe (рассматриваемые как целое)
           Europe and Asia (рассматриваемые как целое)

Europe    [e]

Europe, Central    [ec]
UF      Central Europe
           Europe, East Central

Europe, East Central
[Кодировалось [et] (Europe, East Central) до марта 1988]
USE    Central Europe
           Europe, Eastern

Europe, Eastern    [ee]
UF      Eastern Europe
           Europe, East Central

Europe, Northern    [en]
UF      Northern Europe

Europe, Southeastern
USE    Balkan Peninsula

Europe, Southern    [es]
UF      Southern Europe

Europe, Western    [ew]
UF      Western Europe

Europe and Asia (рассматриваемые как целое)
USE    Eurasia

European Economic Community countries
Присвоен код:
     [e]    Europe

European Union countries
Присвоен код:
     [e]    Europe


Faeroe Islands
USE    Faroe Islands

Falkland Islands    [lsfk]
UF      Malvinas Islands

Far East
USE    East Asia

Far East (Russia)
USE    Russian Far East (Russia)

Far Eastern Region (Russia)
USE    Russian Far East (Russia)

Far West (U.S.)
USE    West (U.S.)

Faroe Islands    [lnfa]
UF      Faeroe Islands

Federal Capital Territory
USE    Australian Capital Territory

Federal German Republic
USE    Germany (West)

Federated States of Micronesia
USE    Micronesia (Federated States)

Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
USE    Rhodesia and Nyasaland

Federation of South Arabia
Присвоен код:
     [a-ye]    Yemen (Republic)
UF      South Arabia, Federation of

Fernando Po (Equatorial Guinea)
Присвоен код:
     [f-eg]    Equatorial Guinea
UF      Bioco (Equatorial Guinea)
           Bioko (Equatorial Guinea)
           Macias Nguema (Equatorial Guinea)

Fiji    [pofj]

Finland    [e-fi]

First World
USE    Developed countries

Florida    [n-us-fl]

Former Soviet republics
USE    Soviet Union

USE    Taiwan

France    [e-fr]

French Cameroons
USE    Cameroon

French Community    [h]
UF      Communaute francaise
           French Union

French Congo
USE    Congo (Brazzaville)

French Equatorial Africa
USE    Africa, French-speaking Equatorial

French Guiana    [s-fg]

French Guinea
USE    Guinea

French India
Присвоен код:
     [a-ii]    India
UF      India, French

French Indochina
USE    Indochina

French Morocco
USE    Morocco

French Polynesia    [pofp]
UF      Oceania, French
           Polynesia, French

French Somaliland
USE    Djibouti

French Southern and Antarctic Lands
USE    Terres australes et antarctiques francaises

French Southern Indian Ocean Islands
USE    Terres australes et antarctiques francaises

French-speaking Equatorial Africa
USE    Africa, French-speaking Equatorial

French-speaking West Africa
USE    Africa, French-speaking West

French Sudan
USE    Mali

French Territory of the Afars and Issas
USE    Djibouti

French Togoland
USE    Togo

French Union
USE    French Community

French West Africa
USE    Africa, French-speaking West

French West Indies
USE    West Indies, French

Friendly Islands
USE    Tonga

Froides, Iles
USE    Prince Edward Islands

Frostbelt (U.S.)
USE    Snowbelt States

Fukien Province (China)    [a-cc-fu]

Fundy, Bay of
Присвоен код:
     [ln]    North Atlantic Ocean
UF      Bay of Fundy

Futuna Island (Wallis and Futuna Islands)
Присвоен код:
     [powf]    Wallis and Futuna Islands

Список по кодам

Дата обновления: 3-06-2016