Приложение D: Коды наименований географических регионов
- C
- Cabo Verde
- USE Cape Verde
- Caicos Islands
- USE Turks and Caicos Islands
- Calf of Man (Isle of Man)
- Присвоен код:
[e-uk-ui] Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
- California [n-us-ca]
- Cambodia [a-cb]
- UF Kampuchea
Khmer Republic
- Cameroon [f-cm]
- UF Cameroons, French
Cameroons, Southern
French Cameroons
Southern Cameroons
- Cameroons, French
- USE Cameroon
- Cameroons, Southern
- USE Cameroon
- Cameroun
- USE Cameroon
- Canada [n-cn]
- Canada, Eastern
- Присвоен код:
[n-cn] Canada
- UF Eastern Canada
- Canada, Northern
- Присвоен код:
[n-cn] Canada
- UF Northern Canada
- Canada, Western
- Присвоены коды:
[n-cn-bc] British Columbia
[n-cnp] Prairie Provinces
- UF Western Canada
- Canadian Northwest
- USE Northwest, Canadian
- Canal Zone [nccz]
- UF Panama Canal Zone
- Canary Islands [lnca]
- Canton and Enderbury Islands
- [Кодировалось [pocp] (Canton and Enderbury Islands) до марта 1988]
- Присвоен код:
[pokb] Kiribati
- UF Enderbury and Canton Islands
- Cape Verde [lncv]
- UF Cabo Verde
Republic of Cape Verde
- Caribbean Area [cc]
- UF Caribbean Sea Region
- Caribbean Island Dependencies of the United States
- USE United States Miscellaneous Caribbean Island
- Caribbean Sea [cc]
- Caribbean Sea Region
- USE Caribbean Area
- Caroline Islands [poci]
- Carpathian Mountains
- Присвоен код:
[ee] Europe, Eastern
- Carpentaria, Gulf of (N.T. and Qld.)
- [Кодировалось [ps] (South Pacific Ocean) до июня 1998]
- Присвоены коды:
[u-at-no] Northern Territory
[u-at-qn] Queensland
- UF Gulf of Carpentaria (N.T. and Qld.)
- Caspian Sea [ak]
- Caucasus [e-urk]
- Caucasus, Northern (Russia) [e-urr]
- UF North Caucasus (Russia)
Northern Caucasus (Russia)
- Cayman Islands [nwcj]
- Celebes (Indonesia)
- Присвоен код:
[a-io] Indonesia
- UF Sulawesi (Indonesia)
- Central Africa
- USE Africa, Central
- Central African Empire
- USE Central African Republic
- Central African Republic [f-cx]
- UF Central African Empire
Ubangi Shari
- Central America [nc]
- UF America, Central
Middle America
- Central Asia
- USE Asia, Central
- Central Australia [u-atc]
- [Кодировалось [u-at] (Australia) до сент. 2005]
- UF Australia, Central
Central Black Earth Region (Russia)
- USE Central Chernozem Region (Russia)
- Central Black Soil Region (Russia)
- USE Central Chernozem Region (Russia)
- Central Chernozem Region (Russia)
- UF Central Black Earth Region (Russia)
Central Black Soil Region (Russia)
- Central Europe
- USE Europe, Central
Europe, East Central
- Ceuta (Spain)
- Присвоен код:
[f-sh] Spanish North Africa
- Ceylon
- USE Sri Lanka
- Chad [f-cd]
- Chad, Lake
- Присвоен код:
[fq] Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
- Chagos Islands
- USE British Indian Ocean Territory
- Chang Chiang (China)
- USE Yangtze River (China)
- Channel Islands
- Присвоен код:
[e-uk-ui] Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
- Chekiang Province (China)
- USE Zhejiang Sheng (China)
- Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.)
- Присвоены коды:
[n-us-md] Maryland
[n-us-va] Virginia
- Chihli, Gulf of (China)
- USE Bo Hai (China)
- Chile [s-cl]
- China [a-cc]
- UF Mainland China
People’s Republic of China
- Chishima-retto (Russia)
- USE Kuril Islands (Russia)
- Chongqing (China) [a-cc-cq]
- [Кодировалось [a-cc-sz] (Szechuan Province (China)) до сент. 2000]
- UF Ch'ung-ch'ing shih (China)
Chungking (China)
- Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) [i-xa]
- Christmas Island (Pacific Ocean)
- USE Kiritimati (Kiribati)
- Ch'ung-ch'ing shih (China)
- USE Chongqing (China)
- Chungking (China)
- USE Chongqing (China)
- Chuuk (Micronesia)Chungsha Islands
- Присвоен код:
[pomi] Micronesia (Federated States)
- UF Truk (Micronesia)Kwangtung Province (China)
- Circumcaribbean
- [Кодировалось [cr] (Circumcaribbean) до марта 1988]
- USE Caribbean Area
- Cocos (Keeling) Islands [i-xb]
- UF Keeling Islands
- Cold regions [q]
- Colombia [s-ck]
- Colorado [n-us-co]
- Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico)
- Присвоены коды:
[n-mx] Mexico
[n-usp] West (U.S.)
- Colorado River Delta (Mexico)
- Присвоен код:
[n-mx] Mexico
- Columbia River
- Присвоен код:
[n-usp] West (U.S.)
- Commonwealth countries [b]
- UF British Commonwealth countries
British Dominions
Commonwealth nations
- Commonwealth nations
- USE Commonwealth countries
- Commonwealth of Independent States Countries
- USE Soviet Union
- Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
- USE Mariana Islands
- Communaute francaise
- USE French Community
- Communist countries
- [Кодировалось [v] (Communist countries) до июня 1998]
- Присвоены коды:
[e-ur] Soviet Union
[ee] Europe, Eastern
- Comoro Islands
- USE Comoros
- Comoros [i-cq]
- UF Comoro Islands
Iles Comores
- Confederate States of America
- Присвоен код:
[n-usu] Southern States
- Congo (Brazzaville) [f-cf]
- UF Brazzaville
French Congo
Middle Congo
- Congo (Democratic Republic) [f-cg]
- UF Belgian Congo
Congo (Kinshasa)
Congo (Leopoldville)
- Congo (Kingdom)
- USE Kongo Kingdom
- Congo (Kinshasa)
- USE Congo (Democratic Republic)
- Congo (Leopoldville)
- USE Congo (Democratic Republic)
- Congo River [fg]
- Connecticut [n-us-ct]
- Cook Islands [pocw]
- Coral Sea Islands [u-cs]
- Corsica (France)
- Присвоен код:
[e-fr] France
- Costa Rica [nccr]
- Cote d’Ivoire [f-iv]
- UF Ivory Coast
- Crete
- Присвоен код:
[e-gr] Greece
- Croatia [e-ci]
- [Кодировалось [e-yu] (Yugoslavia) до окт. 1992]
- UF People’s Republic of Croatia
- Cuba [nwcu]
- Cumberland Mountains
- Присвоен код:
[n-usu] Southern States
- Curacao (Netherlands Antilles) [nwco]
- Cyprus [a-cy]
- Czech Republic [e-xr]
- [Кодировалось [e-cs] (Czechoslovakia) до мая 1993]
- UF Czech Socialist Republic (Czechoslovakia)
- Czech Socialist Republic (Czechoslovakia)
- USE Czech Republic
- Czechoslovakia [e-cs]
- [включает Czech Republic и Slovakia, рассматриваемые как целое]