Приложение D: Коды наименований географических регионов
- I
- Iakutskaia A.S.S.R. (Russia)
- USE Sakha (Russia)
- Iberian Peninsula
- [Кодировалось [ei] (Iberian Peninsula) до марта 1988]
- Присвоен код:
[e-po] Portugal
[e-sp] Spain
- Iceland [e-ic]
- Idaho [n-us-id]
- Ifni
- [Кодировалось [f-if] (Ifni) до марта 1988]
- Присвоен код:
[f-mr] Morocco
- Iles Comores
- USE Comoros
- Iles Froides
- USE Prince Edward Islands
- Iles Kerguelen
- USE Kerguelen Islands
- Iles Marquises de Mendoca
- USE Marquesas Islands
- Iles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
- USE Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- Illinois [n-us-il]
- India [a-ii]
- India, French
- USE French India
- Indian Ocean [i]
- Indian Ocean Islands, French
- USE Terres australes et antarctiques francaises
- Indian Ocean Territory, British
- USE British Indian Ocean Territory
- Indian Territory
- Присвоен код:
[n-us-ok] Oklahoma
- Indiana [n-us-in]
- Indies, East
- USE East Indies
- Indies, West
- USE West Indies
- Indochina [ai]
- UF French Indochina
- Indonesia [a-io]
- UF Dutch East Indies
Netherlands East Indies
- Industrialized countries
- USE Developed countries
- Inner Mongolia (China) [a-cc-im]
- UF Mongolia (Inner Mongolia)
- Intercontinental Areas (Eastern Hemisphere) [m]
- Intercontinental Areas (Western Hemisphere) [c]
- Iowa [n-us-ia]
- Iran [a-ir]
- UF Persia
- Iraq [a-iq]
- Ireland [e-ie]
- UF Eire
Ireland (Eire)
Irish Republic
Republic of Ireland
- Ireland (Eire)
- USE Ireland
- Ireland, Northern
- USE Northern Ireland
- Irian Barat (Indonesia)
- USE Papua (Indonesia)
- Irian Jaya (Indonesia)
- USE Papua (Indonesia)
- Irish Republic
- USE Ireland
- Irish Sea
- Присвоен код:
[ln] North Atlantic Ocean
- Isla de Pascua
- USE Easter Island
- Islamic Countries
- Присвоен код:
[f] Africa
[a] Asia
- Islamic Empire
- Присвоен код:
[aw] Middle East
[ff] Africa, North
[e-sp] Spain
- Island Dependencies of Great Britain
- USE Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
- Island Dependencies of the United States in the Caribbean
- USE United States Miscellaneous Caribbean Island
- Island Dependencies of the United States in the Pacific
- USE United States Miscellaneous Pacific Island
- Islands of the Aegean
- USE Aegean Islands (Greece and Turkey)
- Islands of the Atlantic
- Присвоен код:
[l] Atlantic Ocean
- Islands of the Indian Ocean
- Присвоен код:
[i] Indian Ocean
- Islands of the Mediterranean
- Присвоен код:
[mm] Mediterranean Sea
- Islands of the Pacific
- Присвоен код:
[p] Pacific Ocean
- Islands of the South China Sea
- Присвоен код:
[ao] South China Sea
- Islas Marquesas de Mendoza
- USE Marquesas Islands
- Isle of Man
- Присвоен код:
[e-uk-ui] Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
- UF Man, Isle of
- Isle of Wight (England)
- Присвоен код:
[e-uk-en] England
- UF Wight, Isle of
- Israel [a-is]
- Italian East Africa
- USE Africa, Northeast
- Italian Somaliland
- USE Somalia
- Italy [e-it]
- Ivory Coast
- USE Cote d'Ivoire
- J
- Jamaica [nwjm]
- Jammu and Kashmir (India)
- Присвоен код:
[a-ii] India
- UF Kashmir
Kashmir and Jammu (India)
- Jan Mayen Island [lnjn]
- Japan [a-ja]
- Java (Indonesia)
- Присвоен код:
[a-io] Indonesia
- Jersey
- Присвоен код:
[e-uk-ui] Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
- Jerusalem
- Присвоен код:
[a-jo] Israel
и / или
[a-is] Jordan
- Jiangsu Sheng (China) [a-cc-ku]
- UF Kiangsu Province (China)
- Jiangxi Sheng (China) [a-cc-ki]
- UF Kiangsi Province (China)
- Jilin Sheng (China) [a-cc-kr]
- UF Kirin Province (China)
- Johnston Island (Atoll) [poji]
- Jordan [a-jo]
- UF Transjordan
- Judaea and Samaria
- USE West Bank
- Jupiter (Planet) [zju]
- K
- Kalimantan Barat (Indonesia)
- Присвоен код:
[a-io] Indonesia
- Kampuchea
- USE Cambodia
- Kansas [n-us-ks]
- Kansu Province (China)
- USE Gansu Sheng (China)
- Kashmir
- USE Azad Kashmir
Jammu and Kashmir (India)
- Kashmir and Jammu (India)
- USE Jammu and Kashmir (India)
- Kazakh S.S.R.
- USE Kazakhstan
- Kazakhstan [a-kz]
- UF Kazakh S.S.R.
- Kazakstan
- USE Kazakhstan
- Keeling Islands
- USE Cocos (Keeling) Islands
- Kentucky [n-us-ky]
- Kenya [f-ke]
- UF East Africa Protectorate
- Kerguelen Islands
- Присвоен код:
[i-fs] Terres australes et antarctiques francaises
- UF Desolation Islands
Iles Kerguelen
- Kermadec Islands [poki]
- Khmer Republic
- USE Cambodia
- Kiangsi Province (China)
- USE Jiangxi Sheng (China)
- Kiangsu Province (China)
- USE Jiangxi Sheng (China)
- Kievan Rus
- [Кодировалось [e-ur] (Soviet Union) до июня 1998]
- Присвоены коды:
[e-bw] Belarus
[e-ru] Russia (Federation)
[e-un] Ukraine
- Kirghiz S.S.R.
- USE Kyrgystan
- Kiribati [pokb]
- [Кодировалось [pogn] (Gilbert and Ellice Islands) или [poln] (Line Islands) до марта 1988]
- UF Gilbert Islands
- Kirin Province (China)
- USE Jilin Sheng (China)
- Kiritimati (Kiribati)
- Присвоен код:
[pokb] Kiribati
- UF Christmas Island (Pacific Ocean)
- Kongo Kingdom
- Присвоены коды:
[f-ao] Angola
[f-cf] Congo (Brazzaville)
[f-cg] Congo (Democratic Republic)
- UF Congo (Kingdom)
- Korea [a-kr]
- Korea (North) [a-kn]
- UF Korean People’s Republic
North Korea
- Korea (Republic)
- USE Korea (South)
- Korea (South) [a-ko]
- UF Korea (Republic)
South Korea
- Korean People’s Republic
- USE Korea (North)
- Kosrae (Micronesia)
- Присвоен код:
[pomi] Micronesia (Federated States)
- UF Kusaie (Micronesia)
- Kuang-hsi Chuang tsu tzu chih ch’u (China)
- USE Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu (China)
- Kunlun Mountains (China and India) [a-cck]
- UF Kwenlun Mountains
- Kuril Islands (Russia)
- [Кодировалось [e-ur-ru] (Russia Federation) до июня 1998]
- Присвоен код:
[e-ru] Russia
- UF Chishima-retto (Russia)
Kurile Islands (Russia)
Kuril’skie Ostrova(Russia)
- Kurile Islands (Russia)
- USE Kuril Islands (Russia)
- Kuril’skie Ostrova (Russia)
- USE Kuril Islands (Russia)
- Kusaie (Micronesia)
- USE Kosrae (Micronesia)
- Kuwait [a-ku]
- Kwang Sea
- USE Yellow Sea
- Kwangsi Chuang Autonomous Region (China)
- USE Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu (China)
- Kwangtung Province (China)
- USE Guangdong Sheng (China)
- Kweichow Province (China)
- USE Guizhou Sheng (China)
- Kwenlun Mountains
- USE Kunlun Mountains (China and India)
- Kyrgystan [a-kg]
- [Кодировалось [e-ur-kg] (Kyrgystan) до июня 1998]
- UF Kirghiz S.S.R.